Heavy Armor is the most protective form of Armor in ESO. It is ideal for Tanks and anyone wishing to forgo damage for protection. It favors blocking, Spell Resistance and Healing Taken. A full set of Crafted Superior Heavy Armor at VR12 will net you 1963 Armor (without taking into consideration Traits and assuming you have rank III Resolve). That value will be slightly less if your set isn't crafted. This is roughly 225% the value of a full set of Light Armor and 148% the value of a full set of Medium Armor.

For Sets click セット装備.


Name & Image Skill Type Rank Description Unlocks Cost Cast Time


  • Intensify your physical presence to gain Major Resolve and Major Ward, increasing Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5280 for 13.5 seconds.
  • Also grants you immunity to knockback and disabling effects for 5 seconds.
重装鎧 Rank 22 4715
Icon_arrow.png immovable_brute.png
Immovable Brute
  • Intensify your physical presence to gain Major Resolve and Major Ward, increasing Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5280 for 15 seconds.
  • Also grants you immunity to knockback and disabling effects for 5 seconds.
  • While slotted, the スタミナ cost of breaking free from a disabling effect is reduced by 4% for each piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
  • Break Free costs less.
(Immoveable Rank IV) 4715
Icon_arrow.png unstoppable.png
  • Intensify your physical presence to gain Major Resolve and Major Ward, increasing Phyiscal Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5280 for 15 seconds.
  • Also grants you immunity to knockback and disabling effects for 5 seconds.
  • Effect's duration is increased by 5% for each piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
  • Duration increased based on 重装鎧 equipped.
(Immoveable Rank IV) 4715


  • Increases your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance for each piece of 重装鎧 equipped. (120)
重装鎧 Rank 2 -- -- --
  • Increases your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance for each piece of 重装鎧 equipped. (241)
重装鎧 Rank 10 -- -- --
  • Increases your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance for each piece of 重装鎧 equipped. (362)
重装鎧 Rank 30 -- -- --


  • Increases 体力再生 by 2% per piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
  • Also restores マジカ and スタミナ each time you are hit, but only once every 8 seconds. Amount restored is increased per piece of 重装鎧 equipped. (186)
重装鎧 Rank 6 -- -- --
  • Increases 体力再生 by 4% per piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
  • Also restores マジカ and スタミナ each time you are hit, but only once every 4 seconds. Amount restored is increased per piece of 重装鎧 equipped. (186)
重装鎧 Rank 18 -- -- --


  • Increases Max Health by 1% per piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
重装鎧 Rank 14 -- -- --
  • Increases Max Health by 2% per piece of 重装鎧 equipped.
(Juggernaut Rank I) -- -- --


  • Gain 10 Weapon and Spell Damage for 6 seconds when you take damage, stacking up to 10 times.
重装鎧 Rank 38 -- -- --
  • Gain 20 Weapon and Spell Damage for 6 seconds when you take damage, stacking up to 10 times.
(Bracing Rank I) -- -- --
Rapid Mending.png

Rapid Mending

パッシブ Rank I With one or more pieces of 重装鎧 equipped:
  • Increases healing received by 4% and increases the マジカ or スタミナ your Heavy Attacks restore by 25%.
重装鎧 Rank 42 -- -- --
Rank II With one or more pieces of 重装鎧 equipped:
  • Increases healing received by 8% and increases the マジカ or スタミナ your Heavy Attacks restore by 50%.
重装鎧 Rank 50 -- -- --

Crafted Armor Value Tables




Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Cuirass

Iron Cuirass Imperial.png
1 52 212 276 372 468 7 Iron Ingots
4 148 308 372 468 564 8 Iron Ingots
6 212 372 436 532 628 9 Iron Ingots
8 276 436 500 596 692 10 Iron Ingots
10 340 500 564 660 756 11 Iron Ingots
12 404 564 628 724 820 12 Iron Ingots
14 468 628 692 788 884 13 Iron Ingots

Steel Cuirass

Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
16 532 692 756 852 948 8 Steel Ingots
18 596 756 820 916 1012 9 Steel Ingots
20 660 820 884 980 1076 10 Steel Ingots
22 724 884 948 1044 1140 11 Steel Ingots
24 788 948 1012 1108 1204 12 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Cuirass

Orichalc-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
26 852 1012 1076 1172 1268 9 Orichalc Ingots
28 916 1076 1140 1236 1332 10 Orichalc Ingots
30 980 1140 1204 1300 1396 11 Orichalc Ingots
32 1044 1204 1268 1364 1460 12 Orichalc Ingots
34 1108 1268 1332 1428 1524 13 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
36 1172 1332 1396 1492 1588 10 Dwarven Ingots
38 1236 1396 1460 1556 1652 11 Dwarven Ingots
40 1300 1460 1524 1620 1716 12 Dwarven Ingots
42 1364 1524 1588 1684 1780 13 Dwarven Ingots
44 1428 1588 1652 1748 1844 14 Dwarven Ingots

Ebon Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
46 1492 1652 1716 1812 1908 11 Ebony Ingots
48 1556 1716 1780 1876 1972 12 Ebony Ingots
50 1620 1780 1844 1940 2036 13 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
CP10 1716 1780 1908 2004 2068 12 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1780 1844 1972 2068 2132 13 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1812 1876 2004 2100 2164 14 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
CP40 1876 1940 2068 2164 2228 13 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1908 1972 2100 2196 2260 14 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1972 2036 2164 2260 2324 15 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
CP70 2004 2068 2196 2292 2356 14 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 2068 2132 2260 2356 2420 15 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
CP90 2100 2164 2292 2388 2452 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 2164 2228 2356 2452 2516 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 2196 2260 2388 2484 2548 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 2260 2324 2452 2548 2612 18 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2292 2356 2484 2580 2644 19 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2356 2420 2548 2644 2708 20 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Cuirass

Dwarven-Steel Cuirass Imperial.png
CP150 2388 2452 2580 2644 2740 15 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2420 2484 2612 2708 2772 150 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Greaves

Iron Greaves Imperial.png
1 45 185 241 325 409 6 Iron Ingots
4 129 269 325 409 493 7 Iron Ingots
6 185 325 381 465 549 8 Iron Ingots
8 241 381 437 521 605 9 Iron Ingots
10 297 437 493 577 661 10 Iron Ingots
12 353 493 549 633 717 11 Iron Ingots
14 409 549 605 689 773 12 Iron Ingots

Steel Greaves

Steel Greaves Imperial.png
16 465 605 661 745 829 7 Steel Ingots
18 521 661 717 801 885 8 Steel Ingots
20 577 717 773 857 941 9 Steel Ingots
22 633 773 829 913 997 10 Steel Ingots
24 689 829 885 969 1053 11 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Greaves

Orichalc-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
26 745 885 941 1025 1109 8 Orichalc Ingots
28 801 941 997 1081 1165 9 Orichalc Ingots
30 857 997 1053 1137 1221 10 Orichalc Ingots
32 913 1053 1109 1193 1277 11 Orichalc Ingots
34 969 1109 1165 1249 1333 12 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
36 1025 1165 1221 1305 1389 9 Dwarven Ingots
38 1081 1221 1277 1361 1445 10 Dwarven Ingots
40 1137 1277 1333 1417 1501 11 Dwarven Ingots
42 1193 1333 1389 1473 1557 12 Dwarven Ingots
44 1249 1389 1445 1529 1613 13 Dwarven Ingots

Ebon Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
46 1305 1445 1501 1585 1669 10 Ebony Ingots
48 1361 1501 1557 1641 1725 11 Ebony Ingots
50 1417 1557 1613 1697 1781 12 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP10 1501 1557 1669 1753 1809 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1557 1613 1725 1809 1865 12 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1585 1641 1753 1837 1893 13 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP40 1641 1697 1809 1893 1949 12 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1669 1725 1837 1921 1977 13 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1725 1781 1893 1977 2033 14 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP70 1753 1809 1921 2005 2061 13 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1809 1865 1977 2061 2117 14 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP90 1837 1893 2005 2089 2145 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1893 1949 2061 2145 2201 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1921 1977 2089 2173 2229 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1977 2033 2145 2229 2285 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2005 2061 2173 2257 2313 18 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2061 2117 2229 2313 2369 19 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP150 2089 2145 2257 2313 2397 14 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2117 2173 2285 2369 2425 140 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Pauldrons

Iron Pauldrons Imperial.png
1 45 185 241 325 409 5 Iron Ingots
4 129 269 325 409 493 6 Iron Ingots
6 185 325 381 465 549 7 Iron Ingots
8 241 381 437 521 605 8 Iron Ingots
10 297 437 493 577 661 9 Iron Ingots
12 353 493 549 633 717 10 Iron Ingots
14 409 549 605 689 773 11 Iron Ingots

Steel Pauldrons

Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
16 465 605 661 745 829 6 Steel Ingots
18 521 661 717 801 885 7 Steel Ingots
20 577 717 773 857 941 8 Steel Ingots
22 633 773 829 913 997 9 Steel Ingots
24 689 829 885 969 1053 10 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Pauldrons

Orichalc-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
26 745 885 941 1025 1109 7 Orichalc Ingots
28 801 941 997 1081 1165 8 Orichalc Ingots
30 857 997 1053 1137 1221 9 Orichalc Ingots
32 913 1053 1109 1193 1277 10 Orichalc Ingots
34 969 1109 1165 1249 1333 11 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
36 1025 1165 1221 1305 1389 8 Dwarven Ingots
38 1081 1221 1277 1361 1445 9 Dwarven Ingots
40 1137 1277 1333 1417 1501 10 Dwarven Ingots
42 1193 1333 1389 1473 1557 11 Dwarven Ingots
44 1249 1389 1445 1529 1613 12 Dwarven Ingots

Ebony Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
46 1305 1445 1501 1585 1669 9 Ebony Ingots
48 1361 1501 1557 1641 1725 10 Ebony Ingots
50 1417 1557 1613 1697 1781 11 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
CP10 1501 1557 1669 1753 1809 10 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1557 1613 1725 1809 1865 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1585 1641 1753 1837 1893 12 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
CP40 1641 1697 1809 1893 1949 11 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1669 1725 1837 1921 1977 12 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1725 1781 1893 1977 2033 13 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
CP70 1753 1809 1921 2005 2061 12 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1809 1865 1977 2061 2117 13 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
CP90 1837 1893 2005 2089 2145 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1893 1949 2061 2145 2201 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1921 1977 2089 2173 2229 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1977 2033 2145 2229 2285 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2005 2061 2173 2257 2313 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2061 2117 2229 2313 2369 18 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Pauldrons Imperial.png
CP150 2089 2145 2257 2313 2397 13 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2117 2173 2285 2369 2425 130 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Helm

Iron Helm Imperial.png
1 45 185 241 325 409 5 Iron Ingots
4 129 269 325 409 493 6 Iron Ingots
6 185 325 381 465 549 7 Iron Ingots
8 241 381 437 521 605 8 Iron Ingots
10 297 437 493 577 661 9 Iron Ingots
12 353 493 549 633 717 10 Iron Ingots
14 409 549 605 689 773 11 Iron Ingots

Steel Helm

Iron Helm Imperial.png
16 465 605 661 745 829 6 Steel Ingots
18 521 661 717 801 885 7 Steel Ingots
20 577 717 773 857 941 8 Steel Ingots
22 633 773 829 913 997 9 Steel Ingots
24 689 829 885 969 1053 10 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Helm

Orichalc-Steel Helm Imperial.png
26 745 885 941 1025 1109 7 Orichalc Ingots
28 801 941 997 1081 1165 8 Orichalc Ingots
30 857 997 1053 1137 1221 9 Orichalc Ingots
32 913 1053 1109 1193 1277 10 Orichalc Ingots
34 969 1109 1165 1249 1333 11 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
36 1025 1165 1221 1305 1389 8 Dwarven Ingots
38 1081 1221 1277 1361 1445 9 Dwarven Ingots
40 1137 1277 1333 1417 1501 10 Dwarven Ingots
42 1193 1333 1389 1473 1557 11 Dwarven Ingots
44 1249 1389 1445 1529 1613 12 Dwarven Ingots

Ebony Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
46 1305 1445 1501 1585 1669 9 Ebony Ingots
48 1361 1501 1557 1641 1725 10 Ebony Ingots
50 1417 1557 1613 1697 1781 11 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
CP10 1501 1557 1669 1753 1809 10 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1557 1613 1725 1809 1865 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1585 1641 1753 1837 1893 12 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
CP40 1641 1697 1809 1893 1949 11 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1669 1725 1837 1921 1977 12 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1725 1781 1893 1977 2033 13 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
CP70 1753 1809 1921 2005 2061 12 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1809 1865 1977 2061 2117 13 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Helm

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
CP90 1837 1893 2005 2089 2145 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1893 1949 2061 2145 2201 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1921 1977 2089 2173 2229 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1977 2033 2145 2229 2285 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2005 2061 2173 2257 2313 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2061 2117 2229 2313 2369 18 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Pauldrons

Dwarven-Steel Helm Imperial.png
CP150 2089 2145 2257 2313 2397 13 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2117 2173 2285 2369 2425 130 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Sabatons

Iron Sabatons Imperial.png
1 45 185 241 325 409 5 Iron Ingots
4 129 269 325 409 493 6 Iron Ingots
6 185 325 381 465 549 7 Iron Ingots
8 241 381 437 521 605 8 Iron Ingots
10 297 437 493 577 661 9 Iron Ingots
12 353 493 549 633 717 10 Iron Ingots
14 409 549 605 689 773 11 Iron Ingots

Steel Sabatons

Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
16 465 605 661 745 829 6 Steel Ingots
18 521 661 717 801 885 7 Steel Ingots
20 577 717 773 857 941 8 Steel Ingots
22 633 773 829 913 997 9 Steel Ingots
24 689 829 885 969 1053 10 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Sabatons

Orichalc-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
26 745 885 941 1025 1109 7 Orichalc Ingots
28 801 941 997 1081 1165 8 Orichalc Ingots
30 857 997 1053 1137 1221 9 Orichalc Ingots
32 913 1053 1109 1193 1277 10 Orichalc Ingots
34 969 1109 1165 1249 1333 11 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
36 1025 1165 1221 1305 1389 8 Dwarven Ingots
38 1081 1221 1277 1361 1445 9 Dwarven Ingots
40 1137 1277 1333 1417 1501 10 Dwarven Ingots
42 1193 1333 1389 1473 1557 11 Dwarven Ingots
44 1249 1389 1445 1529 1613 12 Dwarven Ingots

Ebony Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
46 1305 1445 1501 1585 1669 9 Ebony Ingots
48 1361 1501 1557 1641 1725 10 Ebony Ingots
50 1417 1557 1613 1697 1781 11 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
CP10 1501 1557 1669 1753 1809 10 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1557 1613 1725 1809 1865 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1585 1641 1753 1837 1893 12 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
CP40 1641 1697 1809 1893 1949 11 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1669 1725 1837 1921 1977 12 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1725 1781 1893 1977 2033 13 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
CP70 1753 1809 1921 2005 2061 12 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1809 1865 1977 2061 2117 13 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
CP90 1837 1893 2005 2089 2145 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1893 1949 2061 2145 2201 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1921 1977 2089 2173 2229 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1977 2033 2145 2229 2285 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2005 2061 2173 2257 2313 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2061 2117 2229 2313 2369 18 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Sabatons

Dwarven-Steel Sabatons Imperial.png
CP150 2089 2145 2257 2313 2397 13 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2117 2173 2285 2369 2425 130 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Gauntlets

Iron Gauntlets Imperial.png
1 26 106 138 186 234 5 Iron Ingots
4 74 154 186 234 282 6 Iron Ingots
6 106 186 218 266 314 7 Iron Ingots
8 138 218 250 298 346 8 Iron Ingots
10 170 250 282 330 378 9 Iron Ingots
12 202 282 314 362 410 10 Iron Ingots
14 234 314 346 394 442 11 Iron Ingots

Steel Gauntlets

Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
16 266 346 378 426 474 6 Steel Ingots
18 298 378 410 458 506 7 Steel Ingots
20 330 410 442 490 538 8 Steel Ingots
22 362 442 474 522 570 9 Steel Ingots
24 394 474 506 554 602 10 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Gauntlets

Orichalc-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
26 426 506 538 586 634 7 Orichalc Ingots
28 458 538 570 618 666 8 Orichalc Ingots
30 490 570 602 650 698 9 Orichalc Ingots
32 522 602 634 682 730 10 Orichalc Ingots
34 554 634 666 714 762 11 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
36 586 666 698 746 794 8 Dwarven Ingots
38 618 698 730 778 826 9 Dwarven Ingots
40 650 730 762 810 858 10 Dwarven Ingots
42 682 762 794 842 890 11 Dwarven Ingots
44 714 794 826 874 922 12 Dwarven Ingots

Ebony Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
46 746 826 858 906 954 9 Ebony Ingots
48 778 858 890 938 986 10 Ebony Ingots
50 810 890 922 970 1018 11 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
CP10 858 890 954 1002 1034 10 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 890 922 986 1034 1066 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 906 938 1002 1050 1082 12 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
CP40 938 970 1034 1082 1114 11 Galatite Ingots
CP50 954 986 1050 1098 1130 12 Galatite Ingots
CP60 986 1018 1082 1130 1162 13 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
CP70 1002 1034 1098 1146 1178 12 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1034 1066 1130 1178 1210 13 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
CP90 1050 1082 1146 1194 1226 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1082 1114 1178 1226 1258 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1098 1130 1194 1242 1274 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1130 1162 1226 1274 1306 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 1146 1178 1242 1290 1322 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 1178 1210 1274 1322 1354 18 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Gauntlets

Dwarven-Steel Gauntlets Imperial.png
CP150 1194 1226 1290 1322 1370 13 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 1210 1242 1306 1354 1386 130 Rubedite Ingot


Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Girdle

Iron Girdle Imperial.png
1 19 79 103 139 175 5 Iron Ingots
4 55 115 139 175 211 6 Iron Ingots
6 76 139 163 199 235 7 Iron Ingots
8 103 163 187 223 259 8 Iron Ingots
10 127 187 211 247 283 9 Iron Ingots
12 151 211 235 271 307 10 Iron Ingots
14 175 235 259 295 331 11 Iron Ingots

Steel Girdle

Steel Girdle Imperial.png
16 199 259 283 319 355 6 Steel Ingots
18 223 283 307 343 379 7 Steel Ingots
20 247 307 331 367 403 8 Steel Ingots
22 271 331 355 391 427 9 Steel Ingots
24 295 355 379 415 451 10 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Girdle

Orichalc-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
26 319 379 403 439 475 7 Orichalc Ingots
28 343 403 427 463 499 8 Orichalc Ingots
30 367 427 451 487 523 9 Orichalc Ingots
32 391 451 475 511 547 10 Orichalc Ingots
34 415 475 499 535 571 11 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
36 439 499 523 559 595 8 Dwarven Ingots
38 463 523 547 583 619 9 Dwarven Ingots
40 487 547 571 607 643 10 Dwarven Ingots
42 511 571 595 631 667 11 Dwarven Ingots
44 535 595 619 655 691 12 Dwarven Ingots

Ebony Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
46 559 619 643 679 715 9 Ebony Ingots
48 583 643 667 703 739 10 Ebony Ingots
50 607 667 691 727 763 11 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
CP10 643 667 715 751 775 10 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 667 691 739 775 799 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 679 703 751 787 811 12 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
CP40 703 727 775 811 835 11 Galatite Ingots
CP50 715 739 787 823 847 12 Galatite Ingots
CP60 739 763 811 847 871 13 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
CP70 751 775 823 859 883 12 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 775 799 847 883 907 13 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
CP90 787 811 859 895 919 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 811 835 883 919 943 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 823 847 895 931 955 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 847 871 919 955 979 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 811 835 883 919 943 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 883 907 955 991 1015 18 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Girdle

Dwarven-Steel Girdle Imperial.png
CP150 895 919 967 991 1027 13 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 907 931 979 1015 1039 130 Rubedite Ingot

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